2011 instruction on the application of Summorum Pontificumhttp://www.vatican.
2011 redactional note for Summorum Pontificumhttp://www.vatican.
2009 motu proprio Ecclesiae Unitatem http://w2.vatican.va/
2007 motu proprio Summorum Pontificum http://w2.vatican.
1988 motu proprio Ecclesia Dei http://w2.vatican.va/
1984 Worldwide Indult Quattuor Abhinc Annos http://ewtn.com/library/
1963 Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy Sacrosanctum Concilium http://www.vatican.
Irish Bishops’ letter on Communion and Confession http://www.
St. Pius X Restoration of Sacred Music https://adoremus.org/2007/12/31/Tra-le-Sollecitudini/
Adrian Fortescue Ceremonies of the Roman Rite https://archive.org/details/ceremoniesofroma00fort
Ottaviani Intervention https://lms.org.uk/ottaviani-intervention
On the Reservation of the Blessed Sacrament https://lms.org.uk/sanctissimam_eucharistiam
Piux XII a correction of false tendencies within the liturgical movement https://lms.org.uk/pius_xii_assisi_allocution
Paul VI on the effect of the destruction of the sacred https://lms.org.uk/sacrificium_laudis
St. Pius V Perpetual Indult for the Tradition Roman Rite https://lms.org.uk/quo-primum